Every Aquarium a Living Picture
Our mission is to make the aquarium hobby more accessible to newcomers, as well as offer more insight for veterans alike. We will dive directly into the science behind the modern aquarium to provide information on the chemistry and biology that make all the processes come together to create the perfect home for aquatic life. We'll also explore the aesthetics that showcase life and provide insight on both the visualization and construction on developing the aquarium.
Stay updated by following along with us on our Blog.
Visit us on our Youtube channel to see what we're working on currently.
***For your consideration: this website is still currently under construction; therefore, pictures and text may change over the course of the build. You will also come across areas that are placeholders for future pages while the site is still being developed.

Additional Information maybe updated in this section, including privacy policy.

The Nitrogen Cycle Test is complete, you can view the information on our experiment page. Expect a final video and afterhtoughts soon. Visit the Journal for some additional information.