Co2 Experiment (Part 2)
Though the video comes out tomorrow, and I can only apologize for the poor audio and video. We'll get there.
At this point the plants in the Pressurized Co2 are certainly reaching toward the light, while the plants in the liquid Co2 tank seem to be lying down a touch more. The difference probably wouldn't be represented in video format (there's also not enough progress to justify creating another video), and I hate to ask that you take my word on this, but that's the difference as I can observe it.
In addition, there appears to be a small amount of Leaf Melt from both Cyrpt plants. This was to be expected, it's been my experience that gel cultured crypts go through this regularly. Who knows what the parameters are in the facility which they came from. Of course, this can be remedied.
The slower Staurogynes are not showing any difference in change.
The pH in the Co2 Aquarium Droppped, this could be a result of using well water. We've corrected it by adding water from an established aquarium as well as a small amount of spring water.
Again, we'll come back when there's something to report.